Tuesday 10 July 2012

Amazing Effort...

-This is Redemption-
A reggae band born in Johore Bahru, Malaysia. establish since 2001 and already played in numerous giggs and showcase. This time the band trying to do some experimental music/sounds by mixing the sound of Samrah/Zafin, also known as 'Ghazal' in Johore with reggae music. And here it is, the output of their hardwork and hard-time, a song called "wadi" was born. the title of the song was taken from the well known village at Johore Bahru called the 'wadihana', which it the sound of Samrah/Zafin was discovered by them at there. after a lot of research and practicing the music, they believe that the sound of Samrah/Zafin was fit enough for the mixing with the sound of reggae. So here we are, enjoy! the experimental sound from redemption, "WADI"

Sebuah band Reggae yang dilahirkan di Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Ditubuhkan pada tahun 2001 dan telah banyak bermain di gigs2 dan juga persembahan pentas. Mereka pada kali ini cuba melakukan eksperimen terhadap sound2 atau bunyi-bunyian Samrah/Zapin, atau lebih dikenali sebagai Ghazal disekitar Johor bersama dengan bunyi-bunyian reggae. Dan ini lah dia hasil dari kerja keras mereka, lagu yang berjudul "Wadi" dilahirkan. Judul lagu diilhamkan dari nama sebuah perkampungan terkenal di sekitar johor bahru, iaitu "Wadihana", dimana disinilah mereka mula2 mengenali bunyi-bunyian Samrah/Zapin. Setelah melakukan kajian serta latihan mengenai bunyian ini, mereka percaya bahawa bunyian Samrah/Zapin ini cukup sempurna utk dicampurkan dengan bunyian Reggae. Nikmatilah, bunyian eksperimental dari REDEMPTION, "WADI"....